
the mystery of the 'Cloverfield' monster

hmm... another anticipated movie for January 08......
Cloverfield, is based in manhattan and actually seems just like Godzilla if you glance at the trailor... then again looks exactly like 'the day after tomorrow' with a big m'therfu'kin liberty slapped in the middle of the poster.

The trailor actually makes my heart beat and sweat cuz the cinematography n everything just seems so real, like an everyday situation. Plus they don't show the so called monster. it's such a mystery... damn..... some lunatics even put up a blog called cloverfieldclues
which seeks to uncover the mysterious creature..blablablaaa...

Oh, you must read this comment that somebody left;
"ehh.....better wait a week or so after this opens, i dont want to be covered in nerd sperm, cuz every nolife in that theater is going to be jacking off to godzilla."

Hahaha..... Wtf has this guy been hanging around with?!?!hahaha...
well, heres the trailor...


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