image from here.
We are currently working on a "UN Week" project for Tzu Chi Kindergarten in Jakarta. The plan is to make a city out of recycled cardboard boxes that have been dropped off at the Tzu Chi Recycling Centre.
As you know, used boxes have many prints on them and aren't in great condition as most of them have already been flattened for easy handling, so layers of paint and many masking tape details are needed to make the surface look smooth and even.The paint used is children safe food grade paint and doesn't cover very well, especially on the plastic cello tape. For this, all the tape must be either pulled of or covered in masking tape.
Here are a few pictures that have inspired us to make this project.
image from here.
image from here.
image from here.
image from here.
The tools needed are simple A LOT of boxes- various sizes, a sharp cutter, scissors, masking tape, metal ruler, pencils and tape. The houses are piled on one another or simple glued together.
Someone's rubbish is another's treasure
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